• Female model wearing Sterling Silver jewelry by Charles Albert


  • Female model wearing Charles Albert Pompano Beach Glass jewelry


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  • the history of taxco artisans


    william spratling

    Silver and metalsmithing runs deep in the veins of Taxco, Mexico - one of the oldest mining sites. Taxco became famed for its silver mines and legendary artisans with their revolutionary silver jewelry creations. Silver and metalsmithing was the heart of Taxco, Mexico and it had for a time, died. William Spratling, a professor of architecture in the U.S. was integral to bringing back what made Taxco, well...Taxco. The same beauty and talent Spratling saw, also drew Charles Albert to the state of Guerrero with its overarching Santa Prisca Cathedral clinging to the skyline like a storybook picture, and its lush green mountains enveloping the city in its grip. Taxco's beauty is entrenched in its soil and every piece of jewelry that is birthed from its womb. It is no wonder Charles Albert also chose it as the production epicenter of his Fine Sterling Silver and Alchemía jewelry collections.


    Charles Albert works with an exceptional group of artisans. Father and son duo Trinidad and Juan Manuel, Martin, Martha and Gabriel are the main shop owners. Work is distributed from the workshop owners and circulated fairly amongst the 40 or so individual artisans that receive their work from the shops. Each artisan basically acts as their own boss, bringing Charles Albert designs to fruition. Artisans can work from home on their own time, and not only create unique handmade pieces but care for their families as well.

    fair trade & working together

    Of course you want to know how your unique handmade jewelry is created. You want to be able to trust that the pieces you adore are fair trade and sweatshop-free. Charles Albert has been sure to perpetuate an honest brand that helps create honest work nationally and abroad. Charles Albert has helped create jobs for over 40 artisans in Taxco, Mexico and provides handsome wages.

    Gary David Goldberg once said, "A good team, like a good show, comes into being when the separate individuals working together create, in essence, another separate higher entity -- the team -- the show -- which is better than any of those individuals can ever be on their own." Without the authentic and pure aptitude of these artisans Charles Albert would not be the Charles Albert you know and love. Together, as a team, an indelible mark has been left on the fashion industry and because of this Charles Albert can be imparted to the world.