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  • May 14, 2019 4 min read

    Guide For Moms: Why You Should Shower In Self Love

    Mama, it’s so important you take care of yourself. You may hear this all the time -- “me time is important” and “make sure you practice self-care”. But I want you to fully understand why .

    You, my beautiful mama, are the center of it all. Sure, now that you have little ones, it may seem like it’s all about them, and it certainly feels that way when the masses come over to hold them and squeeze them and leave without so much as a “Can I get you anything?” But let me be very clear here - in actuality, it all revolves around you.

    Mama, you are the center of the family. Your little ones look to you, need you, love you, want you. They have A LOT of needs. With the number of hours you put in in a day (no matter if you’re a working mama or a mama home with her cubs), you’re clocking so much field time you’re not sure when your day begins and ends. If you’re tired, if you’re stressed, if you’re sick - or just plain losing it - the entire household from the dog on up is affected. Why? Because without Mama being at her best, the rest of the family can’t thrive.

    Mama, you matter. Self-love and care are required so that you can be the best possible mama you can be. But I want you to really think about what self-care means . It isn’t just a bubble bath and a pedicure. It is taking time to just be , to meditate, to breathe, to tune in to yourself. It is checking in with yourself, “How am I feeling today?” or “What will fill my cup today?” It’s important we tune into our mental health and be honest with ourselves about the answers. Take time for you. Workout, journal, practice gratitude, read a good book: find something that fills your cup. Find the things that make you connect to you , to who you are, to who you were before and who you are now. Don’t forget about the most important part of the family puzzle -- that’s you, Mama.

    Your children are deeply connected to you. For some of you, they felt you from the inside. They heard you laughing, singing, and crying. They felt your touch long before they could hold your hand. For some of you, your beautiful children came to you in a different way, but they know you too. They know your kisses and your smell. They are the first to know what you are feeling. They sense your anxiety; they feel your stress. They know when you are happy, mad, or sad. They look to you to learn how to cope with this range of emotions. They watch you every day. How you take care of yourself matters, because those little eyes are watching and taking it all in. They need their Mama to show them the way. They need their Mama to let them know that taking care of yourself matters. They need you to lead them not by saying but by doing .

    Mama, taking care of yourself has a ripple effect. Your children will feel it and see you at your happiest and healthiest. They will know that it’s okay to be themselves, to know themselves, to love themselves and learn from you that self-care matters as they grow. Taking care of you MATTERS and will allow you to not only feel good most days but will teach your children valuable lessons that cannot be taught through words.


    Famous mommy blogger writes about self love and care for Charles AlbertCaitlin Apple (M.S. CLC) is a certified Life and Mindset coach with a Masters in School Counseling and a Bachelors in Clinical Psychology. She wants to help Mamas everywhere to feel empowered, strong and connected. That is why she created Motherhood Aligned with her fellow Mama Coach, Heather Dawn. This course is built for Mamas who are overwhelmed, struggling with balancing it all, and fighting so much “mom guilt” throughout every day. Mama, if you're wanting to live a much more present and intuitive life for yourself and your children, we built this course for you! We will help you dive deep into limiting beliefs that have held you back and made you feel unworthy, help you manage stress and life obstacles that come your way, and allow you to tune out the judgment and noise around you. Through a high touch coaching experience, Heather and I will give you the tools and resources to uplevel your life; not only as a mama but as a woman and in all aspects of your life!


    You can follow Cait for inspiration, mom shenanigans, and her #MondayMoments on Instagram by clicking here.



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